Academic Research Journal on Health Information Management
Academic Research Journal on Health Information Management
Vol. 5(2), pp. 36-42, June 2024
ISSN: 2734-2190
Full Length Research
Qualitative and Quantitative Dosimetric Evaluation of Diagnostic Radiology in Selected Health Institutions and Hospitals in Delta State: Implications of Patients’ Exposure to Radiations and Actualization of Health Care Delivery Targets in Delta State.
1Mr Jim Eghwubare Ofotukun &2Mr Walter Umuze
(1 and 2 Department of Science Laboratory Technology, School of Sciences and Technology, Delta State Polytechnic Otefe-Oghara Delta State)
Accepted 10 June 2024
Abstract |
Abstract: This study provides a qualitative and quantitative dosimetric evaluation of diagnostic radiology practices in selected health institutions and hospitals in Delta State, Nigeria. The research investigates the implications of patient radiation exposure and its effects on healthcare delivery targets. A cross-sectional survey design was used, encompassing 15 hospitals across the state's senatorial districts. Radiology quality control tests and dose profiles were analyzed to assess equipment performance, exposure parameters, and patient doses. Significant variability in image quality was observed. Dental X-rays at one hospital (Hospital C) demonstrated excellent quality, with sharp tooth detail. Conversely, abdomen X-rays at another hospital (Hospital D) showed poor contrast (below standard), making it difficult to distinguish organs and potentially hindering accurate diagnoses. While most hospitals appeared to follow the ALARA principle (as low as reasonably achievable), the potential for further optimization was identified. Abdomen X-ray doses (e.g., Hospital D: 3.2 mGy) suggested room for improvement, particularly when compared to dental X-ray doses (e.g., Hospital C: 0.1 mGy) which fell within recommended limits. Notably, some hospitals had equipment with service dates exceeding four years (e.g., Hospital B: last maintenance June 2017), raising concerns about reliability and potential impact on patient safety and image quality. The findings highlight significant variability in radiology practices, equipment conditions, and maintenance schedules. The study underscores the importance of optimizing radiological procedures to enhance patient safety, reduce radiation exposure, and achieve healthcare delivery targets effectively
Keywords: Dosimetry; Diagnostic Radiology; Patient Radiation Exposure; Quality Assurance; Healthcare Delivery; Delta State Nigeria
Paper type: research
Cite This Article As: Ofotukun, J.E., Umuze, W. (2024). Qualitative and Quantitative Dosimetric Evaluation of Diagnostic Radiology in Selected Health Institutions and Hospitals in Delta State: Implications of Patients’ Exposure to Radiations and Actualization of Health Care Delivery Targets in Delta State. Acad. Res. J. Health. Inform. Manage. 5(2):36-42 |